毕业设计说明书题目:塑料瓶盖的注塑模设计专 业 名 称:机械设计及其自动化学 生 姓 名:指导教师:指导教师职称:院系 (点):日 期: 2012 年 3 月 28 日毕 业 设 计 任 务 书一、题目:塑料瓶盖的注塑模设计二、专业名称:机械设计及其自动化三、班级:四、学生:五、指导老师:六、设计开始时间:七、设计完成时间:八、院(站)签名:___________________________2012 年 月日摘要本文主要介绍了塑料瓶盖零件的成型工艺及模具设计。通过对塑件工艺的正确分析,设计了一副一模二腔的塑料模具。详细地叙述了模具成型零件结构的设计包括分析和阐述了塑料盖塑件的壁厚选择及工艺特点;针对塑件的工艺特点进行模具的设计包括模具型腔数目的确定,注塑机的选择,模具分型面、冷却系统、浇注系统、推出机构与浇注系统以及其它结构的设计过程,并对试模与产品缺陷作了介绍。同时详细地说明了模具的设计原则,尺寸公差的设计要求。此外,本文还详细介绍了整个模具的工作原理和工作过程。关键词:塑料盖,塑料模具,成型工艺,模具设计。AbstractShaping craft and mold design of the plastic part of the bottle lid after this text has been mainly introduced. Through to mould pieces of correct analysis of craft , design one first mould 2 of plastic moulds. Narrate mould shaping part design of structure including analyzing and explaining plastics build wall thick choose and craft characteristic to mould piece in detail; Carry on design of mould include mould of determination of figure to craft characteristic to mould piece, choice of person who mould plastics, mould the person who divide into , cooling system , pour system , introduce organization and pour system and other design process of structure, and has done the introduction in trying the mould and products defect . Having explained the design principle of the mould in detail at the same time, the designing requirement of the dimensional tolerance. In addition, this text has also introduced operation principle of the whol...