*国家自然科学基金资助项目(10504006,50675056)作者简介:辛雨(1980-),男,山东日照人,合肥工业大学研究生,主要方向为NAH 研究。基于 STSF的平面 NAH中信噪比估计方法研究*辛雨,张永斌,毕传兴,陈心昭(合肥工业大学噪声振动工程研究所合肥 230009)[ 摘要 ]在近场声全息技术中,信噪比是一个非常重要的参数,却无法直接测量。为解决此问题,给出了基于空间Fourier 变换的平面近场声全息中两种可靠的信噪比估计方法:能量法信噪比估计和幅值法信噪比估计;其中能量法信噪比估计更精确,而幅值法信噪比估计更简单。采用两种方法进行信噪比估计,都可以得到较真实信噪比结果。数值仿真和实验结果验证了该方法的正确性和适用性。关键词: 平面 NAH 技术 ;信噪比 ;波数域 ;重建误差 ;重建参数中图分类号: TB52+5 文献标识码: AResearch on the estimate of the SNR in the planar Nearfield Acoustic Holography Xin Yu, Zhang Yongbin, Bi Chuanxing, Chen Xinzhao (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009)Abstract: The Signal to Noise Ratio is a very important parameter in the planar Nearfield Acoustic Holography. However, it can not be measured directly by laboratory apparatus. By analysis of the NAH process, two estimated methods for planar Nearfield Acoustic Holography based on STSF are given to solve this problem in this article. One is the energy estimated method, the other is the amplitude estimated method. A truthful SNR value could be estimated By using those two methods, and the reconstruction error is reduced. The validity and applicability of the proposed research are proved by the numerical simulations and the experiment. Keywords: planar NAH; SNR; k-space; reconstruction error; reconstruction parameter 1 引言近场声全息 (NAH )是上世纪八十年代发展起来的一种有效而快捷的声源重建和声场可视化技术。该技术对振动和噪声辐射特性研究、噪声源的识别与定位等都有重要作用,它有助于对结构振动、噪声进行有效控制,在工程上具有很...