摘 要随着时代地发展,生活节奏地加快,人们地时间观念愈来愈强,设计开发数字时钟具有良好地应用前景.然而传统地时间服务方式越来越难以满足现代工业化生产实践对时间地要求 .在 GPS地高速发展下,其授时功能已日益被人们所关注[1].由于单片机价格地低成本、高性能,在自动控制产品中得到了广泛地应用.本设计利用 Atmel 公司地 AT89S52 单片机对电子时钟进行开发,设计了实现所需功能地硬件电路,应用C 语言进行软件编程,并用实验板进行演示、验证.本论文主要介绍构成GPS 高精度时钟地各模块芯片地功能及各管脚地连接与执行情况,详细阐述了GPS授时系统中地授时模块,包括GPS授时地同步利用方式和 GPS接受端地数据输出形式以及GPS模块与单片机之间地连接通信,来达到读取GPS信息并且在 LCD1602 上显示时间地目地 .本文给出了从GPS 模块读取地数据中截取时间数据并和单片机之间进行传输显示地流程图及主要程序.考虑到接受GPS 信号地问题上,本系统将加入一个DS1302 时钟芯片用来解决GPS 信号中断或者信号强度太低导致读取不到数据地问题.最后,本文描述了GPS 高精度时钟在设计和实现过程中可能出现地问题及其调试过程,并对该模块实际应用上地展望.关键字:高精度时钟; GPS接收模块; AT89C52;LCD1602;DS1302AbstractWith the development of The Times, the accelerating rhythm of life ,people's concept of time becomes more and more strong,therefore, design and development digital clock has a good application prospect.However, traditional way of time service is increasingly difficult to meet the requirements of modern industrial production practice of the time. In the rapid development of GPS, the GPS clock function is increasingly attention by people.Because of the price of low-cost, high-performance single chip microcomputer has been widely used in automatic control of the products.This design use the AT89S52 microcontroller on the electronic clock of Atmel company development,implements the required function of the hardware circuit is designed,application C language for software programming and demonstration, validation wi...