武汉工业学院毕业设计论文题目:日产 2Km PVC 塑料管挤出生产线初步设计方案姓 名: 学 号: 院 系: 专 业: 指 导 教 师: 2012 年 06 月 02 日日产 2Km PVC 塑料管挤出生产线初步设计方案()摘要 :本设计采用悬浮法生产的聚氯乙烯开展日产 2Km 聚氯乙烯塑料管挤出生产线初步方案设计,介绍了塑料管挤出生产线的设计原理,工艺过程中需要注意的问题,包括质量影响因素、工艺条件及合成工艺中的各种助剂选择,对塑料管挤出生产线的工艺过程进行详细的叙述。从物料衡算和设备计算和选型三个方面进行了工艺计算,对车间进行布局设计,画出了整个工艺的流程图、厂房平面布局图。关键词 : PVC 管;生产线;工艺计算The Preliminary Design of PVC Plastic Pipe Extrusion Line of 2Km Daily Production ()Abstract: In this design,the production line of PVC pipe from suspension method material,was preliminaryly designed as daily production of 2km PVC pipe.Introduction of the design mechanism of the plastic pipe extrusion production line,problems that need attention in the process,including factors affecting the quality,the various additives in the process conditions and synthesis technology selection were presented.And calculation from the material balance,equipment selection of three aspects of the accurate calculation of the process were conducted with drawingof flow chart of the whole process and plant layout diagram.Key word: PVC plastic pipe; Production line; Process calculation目 录1 概述····················································································11.1 目的与意义·······································································11.2 硬质聚氯乙烯管材的优点及其发展史·····································11.3 国家产业政策要求发展 PVC 塑料管材············...