会展与旅游学院课程代码:343.009.3课程名称(英文):Principles of Event Management课程名称(中文):会展管理原理学 分 数:3周 课 时:3预修课程:商务管理原理、管理概念主要内容:The participants understand that successful events require systematic planning and organisation. They learn the fundamental ideas of planning and organisation. They get to grips intensively with the service character of events. Students understand that quality management is one of the cornerstones of a successful event. They know the main methods and techniques of the project management industry and can apply them appropriately. 课程代码:343.028.3课程名称(英文):Event Logistics课程名称(中文):会展物流学 分 数:3周 课 时:3预修课程: 主要内容:本课程以物流管理知识为基础,主要教授物流管理在会展业中的应用。主要内容包括物流管理的发展历程、物流管理的基础功能,物流和供应链管理、物流信息系统与记述、仓储管理、会展物流客户需求管理、会展物流计划与实施方法等。课程代码:课程名称(英文):Principles of Economics课程名称(中文):经济学原理学 分 数:3周 课 时:3预修课程:主要内容:The students shall attain a general comprehension of the functioning of the market economy and shall know the role of the state within the market economy. The effects of different market forms and of state interventions in the price fixing in the market and the welfare are to be analysed and assessed. Furthermore economic-political decisions shall be understood and assessed in the setting of the national accounts and various political conceptions. Besides that the students get to know the political protagonists and institutions on a national and international level.课程代码:243.012.3课程名称(英文):Services Marketing课程名称(中文):服务营销学 分 数:3周 课 时:3预修课程:主要内容:The students understand the importance of a market-oriented ...