模具液氮冷却对铝型材出口温度及挤压速度的影响吴亭 1,周春荣 2,李旭 2,陈彬 1,王孟君1(中南大学 有色金属材料科学与工程教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410083)摘 要:通过现场生产试验,研究了 6063 铝型材挤压过程中模具液氮冷却技术对型材出口温度及挤压速度的影响。结果表明,采用对模垫的液氮冷却技术能有效起到冷却作用。液氮的开度大小直接影响到型材出口温度,当液氮开度值较小时,对出口温度影响较小。当液氮开度值达到 70%时,型材出口温度显著下降。采用模具液氮冷却,铝型材挤压速度由0.2m/s 提高到 0.3m/s,大大提高了铝型材生产效率。关键词:液氮冷却;挤压速度;出模温度;液氮开度The influence of the die cooled by liquid nitrogen on the extrusion speed and the outlet temperature of aluminumthe influence in the exit temperature and the extrusion speed by using the liquid nitrogen to cool the extrusion dieAbstract:Through the field experiment,the influence in the exit temperature and the extrusion speed during the 6063 aluminum profile extrusion by using the liquid nitrogen to cool the extrusion die was researched. The influence of the die cooled by liquid nitrogen on the extrusion speed and the outlet temperature of aluminum 。 The results of the research show that it is feasible to use the liquid nitrogen to cool the die pad. The opening of the liquid nitrogen affects the level of the exit temperature directly. When the opening of liquid nitrogen is low, it has little influence in the exit temperature. When the opening of liquid nitrogen is 70%,the exit temperature declines greatly. By using the liquid nitrogen to cool the die during aluminum extrusion,extrusion speed can be increased from 0.2m/s to 0.3m/s and the efficiency of aluminum production is improved greatly.Keywords: Cooling of liquid nitrogen;Extrusion speed;Exit temperature;Opening of liquid nitrogen铝型材因具有质量轻、比强...