论人民币升值对中国房地产的影响内容摘要:由于人民币不断升值,对房地产市场价格产生了巨大的影响,在人民币升值的预期下的国际资本流入可能给国内房地产需求者、供给者及管理者带来许多新问题,房地产价格的影响因素、人民币升值程度和房价的未来走向等成为人们关注的话题。人民币升值对中国房地产市场价格的影响成为一个各方关注的问题。如何借鉴国际经验教训,谨防房地产泡沫的膨胀,人民币升值对房地产市场价格的影响具体是什么?这些问题是完善我国房地产市场体系之根本。关键词:升值 房地产市场价格 影响Abstract: As the RMB revaluation, the real estate market prices had a tremendous impact of the appreciation of the RMB is expected in the international capital flows to have the domestic demand for real estate, providers and managers to bring about many new problems, and real estate the effect of the price factor, and the appreciation of the renminbi level of the future direction of house prices, and others have become a topic of concern to people. RMB revaluation of China's real estate market price of a concern of the parties. How to draw lessons from international experience, be wary of the expansion of the real estate bubble, the appreciation of the renminbi on the effect of the price in the real estate market specifically? These problems is to improve our fundamental system of the real estate market.Key Words:Revaluation The real estate market prices Impact一、人民币升值的背景(一)问题的根源中国目前处于投资过热的情况,中国投资在 GDP 中的比例是 48.6%,这可能是世界第一,而且还在不断上升。但投资增长速度大大高于 GDP 增长速度是不可持续的。“我们必须要执行紧缩性的货币政策,在前一阶段中国的货币政策不够紧,流动性过剩,这样就支持了投资过热。”人民币升值的问题根源在于以下几个方面:1.国际收支状况国际收支是一国对外经济活动中的各种经济交易的总和。国际收支状况是决定汇率趋势的主导因素。一般情况下,国际收支逆差表明外汇供不应求,将引起本币贬值、外币升值;反之...