JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY毕 业 论 文(设 计)题 目 电力线载波通信发射机设计 英文题目 Transmitter design of power line carrier communication 院 系 电子工程学院 专 业 通信工程 姓 名 年 级 2009 级 指导教师 曹 晖 二零一三 年 六 月摘 要电力线载波通信(也称 PLC-Power Line Carrier)是利用高压输电线作为传输通路的载波通信方式,用于电力系统的调度通信、远动、保护、生产指挥、行政业务通信及各种信息传输。电力线路是为输送 50Hz 强电设计的,线路衰减小,机械强度高,传输可靠,电力线载波通信复用电力线路进行通信不需要通信线路建设的基建投资和日常维护用,在电力系统中占有重要地位。本设计是基于 LM567 锁相环音调译码器的电力线载波发射机设计。调制方式为FM 模拟调制。电路主要部分为音频放大电路,调制单元,滤波单元,功率放大单元等。在完成本设计硬件部分的理论分析,硬件制作后,进行相关的测试,并对测试结果做进一步的分析,改进。关键词:电力线载波通信;锁相环;FM;模拟调制Transmitter design of power line carrier communicationAbstractCarrier communication power line carrier communication (also known as PLC-Power Line Carrier) is the use of high voltage transmission line as a transmission path for power system dispatching communication, remote, protection, production control, the administrative business communication and information transmission. Power line for transporting 50Hz strong electric design, line attenuation, high mechanical strength, reliable transmission, power line carrier communication complex power line communication does not require communication line construction investment in infrastructure and routine maintenance, an important possession in the power system position.The design is based on the LM567 PLL circuit tone decoder power line carrier transmitter. The modulation scheme is the FM analog modulation. The main part of the circuit are:: audio amplification circuit, a modulation unit, a filtering unit, the power ampl...