Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?Paragraph 2:1.In which dynasty was the paper first created?2.Why did few people have the chance to learn to read?3. Why were books expensive?4. Why were there not many books?In Han Dynasty.Because books are expensive.Because there were not many books.Because books were only produced one at a time by hand.So As a resultbecausebutWhat other great inventions were produced in Han Dynasty?1.When will the first fireworks appeared?A.In 2000 B. 2000 years ago C. In Tang Dynasty2. What was the fireworks used for firstly?A.To drive away evil spiritB.For children’s birthC.For marriageD.For funerals3. Marco Polo was from ______A.Germany B. Italy C. America4. Who developed the fireworks into gunpowder?A. An American inventor B. a German monk C. A British scientist5. Which festival are Americans celebrating?A.Labour DayB.Independence DayC.Thanksgiving DayParagraph 3:Paragraph 3:All of the following are the great infulence of printing EXCEPT?A.It made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.B.It helped more people learn to read.C.Knowledge spread faster than before.D.Printing is more infulencial than Internet. In 2008, Printing was appeared as a dance programme on the opening ceremony of Olympic Games.Paragraph 4:Which of the following is Not the advantage of Internet?A.It is very young.B.It can store more information.C.We can read books online.D.We can find information more easily. • airplane• 1903• America• Wright Brother• …made it possible to…• …faster and faster•television•1924•Britain•John Logie Baird•…made it possible to…laptop1976BritainWilliamMoggridge 1975AmericaBill Gates iphone2007AmericaSteve Paul JobsParagraph 5:Debate: Which do you like better?Paper book or E-book