廊坊师范学院本科生毕业论文题目:《还乡》的原型模式研究姓名:赵俊红指导教师:吴秀兰系别:英语系专业:英语教育年级:02 接本完成时间 2004 年 5 月 20 日 Archetypal Patterns in The Return of the NativeByZhao JunhongProf: Wu Xiulan2Submitted to the B.A. committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Langfang Teachers College.2004/5/20 3题目:《还乡》的原型模式研究摘要:《还乡》是英国维多利亚时代托马斯哈代的一部伟大作品。多年来倍受关注。传统艺术家大多从它的美学价值、社会意义以及社会历史背景等方面来研究。但在作品中力图唤回神话世界,找寻激活人类无意识的原型,这对众多艺术家来说是十分普遍的尝试。这也是本文所要研究的。在《还乡》中,哈代突破了对原型单一方面的运用,而对某些原型进行了演变,使那些文学和神化典故具有多层意义:既有哀婉和同情,又有讽刺和嘲弄,从而形成了一个从环境、人物到结构的完整原型系统。哈代通过描写荒原对人的命运的影响,揭示了环境与人冲突产生的悲剧。他择取了以古希腊悲剧为原型的结构模式,通过对女主人公形象的提升,对小说布局的规范等种种戏剧手段实现了古希腊悲剧形式与小说完美的结合。关键词:原型;环境;人物;结构 4Title: Archetypal Patterns in The Return of the NativeAbstract: The Return of the Native,an English novel in Victorian time, has been arousing discussions for centuries. The traditional critics tended to analyze it in terms of the aesthetic values, social impacts or historical background. It is the general endeavor for most of the artists in their artistic creation, to have a mythological insight and to pursue the archetypes that can stir the collective unconsciousness of human beings. In the novel, some archetypes are explored at different levels; some are developed to include antithetic meanings of the esteem or sympathy, and irony or mockery. Therefore in this work, Hardy has constructed a complete archetypal system from the env...