
八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Welcome课件 牛津版 课件
if anyone can if anyone can fillfill (填满)(填满) my world with joy and happinessmy world with joy and happinessand and cast awaycast away ((摈弃摈弃 )) all of my loneliness all of my lonelinessalways there beside me when always there beside me when II am down am downand never left my face with a and never left my face with a frownfrown (皱眉)(皱眉)itit''s you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come trues you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come trueit's you! yes, it is true it's you! yes, it is true a friend in need is a friend indeeda friend in need is a friend indeedif anyone can fill my world with joy and happinessif anyone can fill my world with joy and happinessand cast away all of my lonelinessand cast away all of my lonelinessalways there beside me when always there beside me when II am down am downand never left my face with a frownand never left my face with a frownit's you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come trueit's you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come trueit's you! yes, it is true a friend in need is a friend indeedit's you! yes, it is true a friend in need is a friend indeedwhen youwhen you''re around i re around i wrapwrap (包裹)(包裹) my self in a my self in a pearlypearly (珍贵的)(珍贵的) smilesmilewhen youwhen you''re around you light the re around you light the bulbbulb (灯泡)(灯泡) inside my headinside my headwhen you're around i wrap my self in a pearly smilewhen you're around i wrap my self in a pearly smilewhen youwhen you''re around i dance and re around i dance and swaysway (摇摆)(摇摆) and kiss the groundand kiss the groundwhen you're around i wrap my...

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