Work hard!Work hard!You are sure to You are sure to SUCCEEDSUCCEED!!Never let Never let YOUSELFYOUSELF down! down!GO!GO!内 容:内 容:Unit 5Unit 5 It must belong to Carla!It must belong to Carla!课 型: 课 型: RevisionRevisionNew Words Phrases Grammar Test HomeworkQuickly review all the words in this Unit for Quickly review all the words in this Unit for 3 Minutes, and have a3 Minutes, and have a DICTATION!DICTATION!All CorrectAll CorrectA few MistakesA few MistakesWell doneWell donePractice makes perfect!Practice makes perfect!Work harder!Work harder!Translation:Translation:1.1. 属于属于2.2. 古典音乐古典音乐3.3. 实在太…实在太… ....4.4. 在约会在约会5.5. 占据,构成…占据,构成… ..6.6. 期末考试期末考试7.7. 由于,因为…由于,因为… ....8.8. 给…的礼物给…的礼物9.9. 赶赶 (( 班班 )) 车车10.10. 跑步来锻炼跑步来锻炼11.11. 打电话报警打电话报警12.12. 隔壁邻居隔壁邻居13.13. 从…从… .. 逃脱逃脱14.14. 上、下车上、下车15.15. 假装假装16.16. 全世界全世界17.17. 用光,用完用光,用完18.18. 独自独自1.1.belong tobelong to2.2.classical musicclassical music3.3.much toomuch an appointmentat an appointment5.5.make upmake examfinal exam7.7.because of sth.because of sth.8.8.a present for…a present for…9.catch the bus9.catch the for exerciserun for the policecall the door neighbornext door neighbor13.13.escape from…escape from…14.14.get on/off get on/off 15.15.pretend to dopretend to do16.16.around the worldaround the world17.17.use upuse up18.all alone18.all alonemust 一定 , 肯定; (probably)could 能,很可能; (possibly)might 或许;大概 (perhaps/maybe)can‘t 不会, 不可能。Thingsownerspossibilityreason11notebooknotebookCarlaCarla100%100% name,onname,on22French bookFrench bookFredFred70~80%70~80%studystudy33guitarguitarAliceAlice60~70%60~7...