
北京四中从句高考预测题 试题VIP专享VIP免费

北京四中从句高考预测题 试题北京四中从句高考预测题 试题北京四中从句高考预测题 试题北京四中从句高考预测题 试题北京四中从句高考预测题 试题
北京四中从句北京四中从句 (( 一一 ))高考预测题高考预测题1.We’ll remember _______ he 1.We’ll remember _______ he teaches us.teaches us.A. that A. that B. no matter what B. no matter what C. whatever C. whatever D. no matter whichD. no matter which2.I told him ______ I had come 2.I told him ______ I had come the day before and _______ I the day before and _______ I was going to stay here for a was going to stay here for a week.week.A. /, / A. /, / B. that, / B. that, / C. /, that C. /, that D. how, /D. how, /3.It makes no difference ____.3.It makes no difference ____.A. that who will go with me A. that who will go with me B. why will they stayB. why will they stayC. when you will leave C. when you will leave D. that how you get hereD. that how you get here4.No one denies the fact ___ he 4.No one denies the fact ___ he has made much progress.has made much progress.A. if A. if B. that B. that C. what C. what D. whyD. why5. ___ my father wants to know 5. ___ my father wants to know is ___ getting on with my is ___ getting on with my study.study.A. What, how am I A. What, how am I B. How, how I’m B. How, how I’m C. How, that I am C. How, that I am D. What, how I amD. What, how I am6.It hasn’t been decided ____ 6.It hasn’t been decided ____ we will talk over the plan again.we will talk over the plan again.A. even if A. even if B. unless B. unless C. what C. what D. whetherD. whether7.He is interested in _____ was 7.He is interested in _____ was reported in today’s newspaper.reported in today’s newspaper.A. which B. that C. what D. howA. which B. that C. what D. how8.Edison made a lot of inven-ti8.Edison made a lot of inven-tions, ____ of great...

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