Fun with English8B Unit6 A charity walkWelcome to the unitLearning aim1.了解不同种类的残疾和需求;2.讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人。 Different charities in China 1.Project Hope 2.Project Green Hope3.Save China’s Tigers4. Spring Bud Project ORBISOxfamUNICEFWorld VisionWorld Wide Fund for Nature奥比斯乐施会联合国世界儿童基金会世界宣明会世界自然基金会Charities around the world BudProjectSpring What are charities for?raise money/donate moneyhelp people in need &help protect the environmentpeople who can’t see peopleblinda person who can’t hear or speaka persondeafdumb a person who has problemswith part of his bodya persondisableda person who has little moneya personpoora person who is oldan personelderlya person who has no homea personhomelessa _______ persondisabled预习展示一a ________ personhomelessa ____ personpoor a ______ personblindan ______ personelderly_____ peopledeafAnnie:Simon, what kind of people need help?Simon:Usually, the d_______ people need help. For example, the b____ people can’t see, so we can help them in some ways. We can help them cross the road, get on or off the bus, and we can help them find the way if they get lost.Annie:And for the d____ people? Can we help them too?Simon:But it’s more difficult. We can’t help them a lot if we don’t know much about s______ language.Annie:Emm, it’s true. Are there any other people who need help?Simon:Yes. For the h________ and poor people, we can give them some food or money.Annie:Oh, it’s fine that we can help people in need in so many ways. And how about the e______? What can we do for them?Simon:We can give our seats to them on the bus. We can also help them cross the road if necessary.Annie:And for the p_______ in wheelchairs, how can we help them? ...