
广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件VIP专享VIP免费

广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件广东地区高二英语Unit4 Listening and Reading Task课件
Listen and decide which statement Professor Chen does NOT agree with.1.We’ll have to stop using fossil fuels.2.About 90% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels.3.We can replace fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy.4.Nuclear power is a good source of energy.5.In the future, we’ll need new technologies to replace fossil fuels.6.It’s the developed countries who are to blame for producing most of the carbon dioxide.Listen again and tick the phrases that Professor Chen uses to agree or disagree with Li Bin.agree( ) disagree( )Exactly. ( ) I’m afraid I disagree with you. ( )That’s true. ( ) I’m afraid not.( ) That’s right. ( ) I don’t think so.( )That’s correct. ( ) No way.( )I agree. ( ) I don’t agree. ( )Listening Text on Page 31 FOSSIL FUELS AND OTHER FROMS OF ENERGY Li Bin, a university student, is interviewing Professor Chen on the local student radio station about the use of fossil fuels and other sources of energy.LI BIN: Professor Chen, I’ve read that we’ have to stop using fossil fuels if we want to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.CHEN: Yes, that’s right, Li Bin. However, this will be very difficult. You see, our modern industrial societies depend on the energy we get from fossil fuels. It’s a very concentrated and cheap form of energy. So we’re going to keep using it and therefore keep putting carbon dioxide into the air.LI BIN: Is it true that about 90% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels?CHEN: Yes, that’s correct. And there is enough coal, gas and oil to last for centuries.LI BIN: Can’t we just replace fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy like sun or wind power?CHEN: I’m afraid not. It’s not that simp...

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