
八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件
Unit 5 BirdwatchersUnit 5 BirdwatchersProtect the WetlandsProtect the WetlandsGuessing game! It has long-pointed wings and a forked tail. It flies to northern countries in summer. ____________swallowIt has brownish feathers, broad wings and a hooked beak. ___________________ golden eagle It has colourful feathers. It can talk or sing like a person. ___________parrotIt has white feathers and a long thin neck. __________swan It is long –winged and web-footed. It has white and grey or black feathers ________seagull It is small. It has brown and grey feathers __________sparrow They are tall. They have long legs, long beaks and long necks. __________cranesA: Would you like to go birdwatching with me ?B: . (Try your best to make more suitable answers)Speak upGood idea! Why not?That’s a good idea.What a great idea!I agree with you.agreedisagreeI’d love to but…I am afraid I can’t agree with you.I’m afraid that’s not a good ideaQ1: Where are they going birdwatching?Q2: When?Q3: What time?Q4: Who does Daniel have to ask first?Listen and answer ABCDYou want to invite your friend towatch a fashion show You want to invite your friend to go to the zoo. You want to invite your classmate towatch a basketball final.You want to invite your classmate to go to the world parkCan you make up a new dialogue?A: Would you like to …?B: ….A: You can…B: When …?A: …B: What time does it start?A: It starts …finishes …B:A fashion show zoo a basketball final the world parkIf I want to invite you to go bird watching with me, where shall we go ?Zhalong Nature Reserve Questions:1. Where is Zhalong?2. What is Zhalong famous for?3. Can you guess how big it is?Zhalong a great place fora great place for wildlife当...

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