Section1Section4Section2Section3Section2Co- operative learning 合作学习两个人的能力要比一个人强 , 思考问题的速度要快一些 , 学习的效果也会好些 . 因此 ,和你的朋友合作学习 , 分享你的观点 .Can you read these following expressions?F2FHow R U ?C U !BYWCUL8rface to faceHow are you?See you!By the way.See you later!Section1Before You ReadPlease take out your pen, and blacken the e-mail English.Section1Are you ready?Are you ready?Let’s go!Let’s go!Before You ReadSection2Can you write in English? And can you also write e-mail English? Maybe not. e-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.While You ReadSection2… This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ, which means I seek you. ICQ is an e-mail “chatline” that people use to have online conversations with friends. One Canadian teacher says, “People can use their computers to talk to each other.But you are supposedto type quickly so the other person doesn’t get bored, so using e-mail English helps you write quickly.”While You ReadSection2 … The first are “abbreviations”. These are formed by using the first letter of each wordin the phrase. For example , BTW means “bythe way”, and GSL means “can’t stop laughing”.The second kind of word is a “homophone”- it’screated by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words. An exampleof this would be to write “great” as “gr8”, or towrite “see you later” as“CUL8r”.While You ReadSection2 When you write e-mail English you do not need touse punctuation marks only in the traditional way. You are also supposed to use them to show the emotionyou are feeling. These are called “emotions”. The advantage or using punctuation marks is that...