ContentModule 7 Unit 3 (Page34&35)总课时4 课时TopicReading:The Effects of the Internet on Our Lives课型新 授课Learning goals1. 阅读关于因特网的正负面影响的辩论演说2. 培养阅读技能:阅读辩论稿。3. 学习语篇中出现的新词汇掌握重点词汇及短语。 4. 分析理解长句和难句,回顾巩固名词性从句和定语从句的用法。5. 引导学生学会合理地运用因特网。 Learning procedure补充内容或错题订正The 1st &2nd PeriodStep 1: Word study (合作学习) 学习 P34-37 的新单词1.assumption (n.) ___________(v.)2.command (v.) ____________(n.)3.claim (写出词性和释义) _______________; _______________4.globe (n.) _____________(adj.)5.evaluate (v.) _____________(n.)6.accuracy (n.) ____________(adj.)7.weakness (syn.) ______________ (opp.) ______________8.false (opp.) ___________9.educator (n.) ___________(v.); ____________(n.)10. withdraw(v.) ____________( 过 去 式 ) ______________( 过 去 分 词 ) ___________(n.)Step Two: Reading and understandingPre-reading:What do you think the most important benefit of the Internet is?Do you think there are any negative aspects to it?Fast-reading:P34 Part A:1). What are the speeches about?2). The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives. How many main points does she make? What are they? 3). The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. What are the two points he makes?Reading Strategy: 1. When you read an argument, you must remember that ___ _______ ______ is being given.2. How does an argument develop?—The first thing : ____________________.—After that: _______________—In the rest of the argument: _______________.—At the end of the argument: ______________.完成课后练习 P36C1Careful reading (自主学习)Analyze the structure of the 1st part (运用阅读策略,阅读文章第一部分, 分析结构)A specific view: ___________Par...