Vocabulary Period 2 Describe your friend •IsIs he/she tall or short?he/she tall or short?•Is he/she Is he/she thinthin or fat? or fat?•Is he strong or weak?Is he strong or weak?•Is his hair Is his hair straightstraight or or curlycurly??•Does he have a round face or a Does he have a round face or a squaresquare face? face?•Does she have big eyes?Does she have big eyes?•Does she have a ponytail?Does she have a ponytail?Exercise•P.7P.7 A A Find the correct words for each Find the correct words for each picture.picture.Can you describe these people?•fat fat tall tall skinnymuscular well-builtcurlywavy•big eyes, big eyes, shoulder-lengthshoulder-length•fair and straight hairfair and straight hairpointed nose long face big eyesAppearance buildbuild(( 体形体形 ))fatfat slimslim thinthin strong bigstrong bigsmallsmall well-builtwell-built (( 健美的健美的 ))heightheighttalltall shortshort medium-sizedmedium-sizedfacefacesquaresquare roundround long long fatfat thinthin hairhairlonglong shortshort shoulder-lengthshoulder-length straightstraight wavywavy curlycurly blackblack brownbrown fairfair greygrey whitewhiteeyeseyesbigbig smallsmall blackblack brownbrown blueblue greygreynosenoselonglong shortshort flatflat pointedpointed (( 尖的尖的 ))Suitable words for boys Suitable words for boys and girls (B on P.7)and girls (B on P.7)Boys/men:Boys/men:Girls/women:Girls/women:good-lookinggood-looking ,,smart,smart,handsomehandsomestrong strong beautifulbeautiful , , good-looking, good-looking, lovely, pretty, lovely, pretty, smart, smart, handsomehandsomepetite/cutepetite/cute纤弱的,娇小的Pair work•After learning so much about appearance, After learning so much about appearance, do you want to use it? do you want to use it? OK! Work in pairs to talk about the OK! Work in pairs to talk about the appearance of your friend or yourself.appearance of your friend or yourself.Translations•那个方脸的学生总是使我很开心 .•这个瘦弱女生还想要些食物 .•她家每个人都长着一张圆脸 .•那个英俊的男生是他们的班长 .•大眼睛的女教师教他们语文 .•That student with a square face always makes me very happy.•This thin girl wants some more food.•Everybody in her family has a round face.•That handsome boy is their monitor.•That woman teacher with big eyes teaches them Chinese.