
八年级英语上册(Unit 2 School life)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

八年级英语上册(Unit 2 School life)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 2 School life)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 2 School life)Integrated skills课件 牛津译林版 课件
Unit 2 School life Integrated skillsWoodland School is smaller than Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. There are (1)_______ ( more, fewer, less) teachers and (2)_______( more, fewer, less) students in Woodland School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Chinese students have (3)_______( more, fewer, less) weeks off in the summertime than British students. British students spend (4)______( more, fewer, less) time doing their homework than Chinese students.fewerfewermorelessComplete the articleRocky Mountain High School is (5)_________________( different from, the same as) Woodland School. Students at Rocky Mountain High School do not wear uniforms and do not have morning assembly. Students in the USA have (6)________( more, fewer, less) weeks off in the summer time than British students, and they spend (7)_______( more, fewer, less) time doing their homework. different frommorelessWoodland School is smaller than Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. There are (1)_______ ( more, fewer, less) teachers and (2)_______( more, fewer, less) students in Woodland School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Chinese students (3)_______( more, fewer, less) in the than British students. British students spend (4)______( more, fewer, less) time doing their homework than Chinese students.fewerfewermorelesssummertimehaveweeks offComplete the articleRocky Mountain High School is (5)_____________ ( different from, the same as) Woodland School. Students at Rocky Mountain High School do not wear uniforms and do not have morning assembly. Students in the USA have (6)________( more, fewer, less) weeks off in the summer time than British students, and they spend (7)_______ ( more, fewer, less) time doing their homework. different frommorelessBeijing Sunshine Secondary SchoolWoodland SchoolRocky Mountain High SchoolNumber of students550Number of teachersNumber of classrooms4535Length of summer holiday7 weeksTime spent 1 day on homework3 hours2 hours1 hourDo students wear uniforms?yesyesnoDo students go to morning assembly?yesyesno18001200904685286 weeks12 weeksJiangnan Middle Schoolnoyes3 hours8 weeks883004000 1. Talk to your friend about your school and school lives using John and Daniel’s conversation on P.29 as a model.2.Write an article about your school using the information in the table.The length of the table is 1.15 metres.1.15 Msummertime = the season of summerhave 8 weeks off = to be away from work or school for 8 weeks Suppose you are the headmaster of Jiangnan Middle School,what do you want your school to be like in ten years?

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