
中学七年级英语下册 Lesson 34 Making Breakfast课件 冀教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

中学七年级英语下册 Lesson 34 Making Breakfast课件 冀教版 课件中学七年级英语下册 Lesson 34 Making Breakfast课件 冀教版 课件中学七年级英语下册 Lesson 34 Making Breakfast课件 冀教版 课件中学七年级英语下册 Lesson 34 Making Breakfast课件 冀教版 课件
Lesson 34: Lesson 34: Making BreakfastMaking BreakfastNew words• stove n. 火炉;电炉• cook v. 烹调• refrigerator n. 冰箱• inside adv. 在里面• sink n. 水槽• wash v. 洗• dish n. 盘,碟• toast n. 烤面包• jam n. 果酱• juice n. 果汁• pass v. 传递• knife n. 小刀• mine pron. 我的Think about it• What time do you have breakfast?• What do you like to eat for breakfast?• What do the Smiths like to eat for breakfast?What do the Smiths like to eat for breakfast?This is the stove. We cook on the stove.This is the refrigerator. It’s cold inside.This is the sink. We wash dishes in the sink.dialogue• MS: Good morning, Li Ming and Jenny!• L: Good morning, Mrs. Smith! What time is it?• MS: It’s 7:00. Time for breakfast! Let me show you the kitchen, Li Ming.• MS: What would you like for breakfast?• L: I would like eggs, toast and jam, and juice, please.• J: I would like cereal, please. • MS: I would like some toast. Please pass me the knife, Jenny. I need it to put the jam on my toast. • J: This is yours, Li Ming. And this is mine!Let’s do it• Work with a partner. You have a visitor from Canada staying at your house. Show your visitor around your house. Write and practice a dialogue and then present it to your classmates.•Good morning, Li Ming and Jenny! 早上好,李明,詹妮!•morning 早晨;上午(从午夜到次日中午)。例如:•Good morning! 早上好!•拓展:•in the morning 在早上 on Monday morning 在周一早上•this morning 今天早上 •from morning till night 从早到晚• Good morning, Mrs. Smith! What time is it? 早上好,史密斯夫人!几点了?• What time is it? 用来询问时间,意为“几点了?”• 还可以说: What is the time? 或 What is the time by your watch? 例如:• ---What is the time? 几...

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