Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Family livesFamily livesReadingDiscussion1. How much pocket money do you get (as much as you ask for, just enough or less than you need)? 2. Who does the housework (cleaning, washing, etc. ) in your home? 3. Do you often get presents from your parents? If so, what kind of presents are they? 4. Who makes the decisions in your family (parents, child or parents and child together)?5. What are the rules about watching TV in your home?Find the facts When she was writing her article, Pansy made these notes showing the differences between the lives of the two people she interviewed. Scan the article and complete her notes. Put one word in each blank.True or false questions.Article 1 1. Tina’s parents will complain a lot if she spends the pocket money before the end of the month. 2. If Tina helps do housework, she will be paid money or presents. 3. Tina’s parents always buy her the newest clothes. 4. Tina watches TV with her parents every day.True or false questions.Article 2 1. David’s parents never give him pocket money. 2. David had to do housework for several hours every day. 3. If David does housework, his parents will pay him a little money. 4. David’s parents only buy some useful things for him. FFFTSome useful expressions1 aged 14 十四岁e.g. He was aged 10. Grandfather died, aged 75.2 a generous amount of pocket money 一笔数量不少的零用钱 3 spend- spent- spent 花费spend (time/ money) on sth.spend (time/money) in doing sth.e.g. I spent 5000 yuan on the computer. The workers spent 3 months (in) building the bridge. 4 the end of the month 月底5 complain a little 很少抱怨complain v. complaint n.complain about 抱怨= make a complaint about6 seldom: not often; ...