

1. Do you have a good friend?2. How old is your friend? 4. What kind of person do you think your friend is? teenager qualitieshelpful, clever, kind, polite, honest good-looking, friendly, clean, tidy, funny ,humorous, interesting … …3. What is he\ she like? Free talk: What makes your friend so special ?1 、 Does he / she care about you when you are sad? 2 、 Do you talk to him/ her when you are happy?3 、 Can you tell him/ her everything about yourself?4 、 Is he/ she ready to help when you have problems?5 、 Do you believe what he/ she says? Qualities of a good friend (be) helpful (be) honest keep secrets make sb. happy share one’s joy Please help Daniel match the qualities with the questions in ‘Teenagers’ magazine’ on Page 7. ecab • How is Peter like ?• Is he good at sports ?• His future plan is to become a doctor ,right ?Other qualities:1、 Simon is good at making jokes. He often makes us laugh. He is very .humorous2. Kate looks beautiful , so we say she is a _______ girl.3. Jack does well in Maths. He always does it quickly. We all think he is very _______.4. My teacher talks with students kindly . Her students think she is ________to them like their friends.good-looking clever friendly Other qualities:5. Lily always greets her teachers when she meets them. We think she is a_______student in our class.6 .Jim often makes the classroom clean. We think he is . polite tidy A: Who’s your good friend?B: …A: What’s he/she like?B: …A: What do you think of your friend?B: …A: What makes him/her so special to you?B: … Can you tell me something about your good friend?Dialogue: Part B 1. Is Eddie a good friend? Why? Yes. He likes sharing with friends.2.What does Eddie give Hobo? Eddie gives Hobo some milk and a cake.3.What does Hobo want? He wants to share Eddie’s pizza in the bowl. Who do you like better, Eddie or Hobo? Why? Read and fill in the blanks Today Hobo was ________. Eddie gave him a ___________ and some_______. Hobo wanted to have _______ _________ food. But there was ____________ in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _________ the pizza with Hobo.hungrycakemilksomemorenothingshare Proverb(谚语 ):1. 需要之时方知友 A friend is never known till a man has need . 2. 患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed .3. 得朋友难,失朋友易 A friend is easier lost than found .4. 没有十全十美的朋友 A friend without faults will never be found .Summary Friends are very important to every one of us. Good friends will help us to be good, while bad friends will lead us the other way. Please be careful when you make friends---they should be kind, honest, polite and helpful.  How to remember words Looks : strong… Abilities: helpful… Jobs: interesting… Feelings: happy…Study skills 1.Revise the phrases and sentences.2.Finish off the exercises.3.Try to find out what qualities your best friend has and give examples as many as you can.

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