English Class Rules1.Please get quiet when the bell rings. 上课铃响,保持安静 2. Respect others and respect yourself. 尊重别人,尊重自己3.No swear words at any time. 任何时候都不要骂人4.Do not hit or threaten to hit anyone. 不准打人或威胁别人5.No cell phone in class 课堂中禁止使用手机6. Say sorry when you need to apologize.在需要道歉的时候,请说“ Sorry”.7.Talk only when you are permitted in class.在课堂上,只有得到老师允许才可以讲话。8. Be helpful and cooperative with your partner.和对话伙伴相互帮助、相互合作 9.Say “I need help” when you are in need.在课堂上,如果需要帮助,请说“ I need help”.10.Teacher-parent conference is needed for out-of-control behaviors and missing assignments.如果发生情绪失控的行为或屡次不交作业,教师将联系家长