
初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件VIP专享VIP免费

初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件初二英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)ppt课件(二) 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件 八年级英语(Unit 8 How was your school trip)课件
Unit 8 How was your school trip? write the past forms of the verbs1. have--- 6.go---2. are--- 7.see---3. hang-- 8.buy—4. meet-- 9.get---5. take--- 10.ride--hadwerehungmettookwentsawboughtgotrode am is are do go take have eat see hang buy win get meet 142635Were there any …s in the aquarium ? Were there any rabbits in the aquarium?,there weren't .There weren’t any rabbits in the aquarium. ,there were .There were some sharks in the aquarium.Were there any sharks in the aquarium? ,there were .There are some seals in the aquarium.Were there any seals in the aquarium? Were there any starfishes in the aquarium? Yes, there were. No, there weren’t any pandas. Were there any pandas in the aquarium? My favorite running star Liu Xiang had a trip last Sunday. Where did he go? Can you guess? In the aquarium,What did Liu Xiang do?saw some sealssaw some sharks hunghang out (闲逛 )with his friend buy boughtsouvenir (纪念品) took photos had / ate ice creammet Yao Ming rode a bikeand got his autograph ( 亲笔签名 ) Liu Xiang’s happy trip Liu Xiang ____ a great trip last Sunday. First, he _____ to a aquarium .There _____ many animals in it.He _____some seals and sharks. Next he ______ out with his friends and ____ some souvenirs for his parents. After that, he _____ Yao Ming and _____ his autograph .He _____ very excited. Finally ,he _____ some photos and ______ a bike back home. He ______ a really happy day!hadwentweresawhungboughtmetgotwastookrodehad A: Where did you go last Sunday? A: What did you see there? A: Were there any dolphins? A: Who did you hang out with? A: Did you take any photos? A: What did you buy? A: Who did you meet? A: How was your trip? Hi,Liu Xiang!I am a reporter...

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