Welcome to the unit & ReadingUnit 1Unit 1 Period one Tales of the unexplained UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. According to some witnesses, it is colorless and moves at a slow, steady( 稳定的) speed with little noise.A UFOLoch Ness is a big lake in Scotland. Nessie/ `nesi / , the Loch Ness Monster, was sighted as far back as the 6th century AD. the Loch Ness Monster (怪物、怪兽)Yetis The Yeti has been called the ‘missing link’----half-man, half-beast. It is said to live in the highest mountain in the world---Mount Qomolangma.A YetiThe Great Pyramid of Khufu is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one (people can visit). It is the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids, which served as burial places for the Pharaohs / feərəu / ( 法老 ). pyramidsStonehenge Being one of Britain’s greatest national icons( 圣像 ), it stands for mystery and power. Some people guess that is was a temple for worship( 崇拜 ).The reason why Stonehenge was built remains unknown even today.Talk more about these five picturesDifferencePS1-3SimilarityThey are ______________________.conclusionThe world we live in is _____of _________unsolved even by today’s advanced science and technology.PS4-5People haven’t found out _________ _________for their existence.They do______, but we can’t explain these phenomena.unexplained/mysteriousfullmysteriesconvincing evidence existTitle---- Boy missing, police puzzledReadingReading strategy The structure of a news storyan inverted pyramid formatThe broadest( 粗略的 ), most general information is given first and then the details( 细节 ).Reading strategy Title( 题目、标题 ):the first paragraphto give a general idea about the newsthe main topic( 话题、主题、论题 ) and most...