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九年级英语 U4T1SA课件 仁爱版 课件九年级英语 U4T1SA课件 仁爱版 课件九年级英语 U4T1SA课件 仁爱版 课件九年级英语 U4T1SA课件 仁爱版 课件
Unit 4 Amazing ScienceUnit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1Topic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.学习目标 : 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: hero, prove, achieve, send up 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) All of you must be proud. (2) That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 3. Learn something about popular science. (1)China is the third nation to send a person into space. (2) It’s China’s first lunar probe.manned spaceshipmanned spaceshiplaunch----send uplaunch----send up national heronational hero2003.10.152003.10.15Yang Yang LiweiLiwei Shenzhou VShenzhou V21 hours2003.10.16 6:23 2003.10.16 6:23 a.m.a.m.2005.10.122005.10.12Fei Junlong and Fei Junlong and NieNie HaishengHaishengShenzhou Shenzhou VIVIabout 5 about 5 daysdays2005.10.17 4:33 a.m.2005.10.17 4:33 a.m.自学指导一 ( 14 分钟)1. 听 1a录音, 并思考下列问题。 a. Who is the first Chinese to travel into space in 2003? b. How long did Shenzhou V travel around the earth? c. How many manned spaceships has China sent up into space? d. Do you know the legend of Chang’e?Yang LiweiFor 21 hoursThree比一比,看谁读的最响亮2.Listen to the tape ,and repeat it aloud.3. Read in pairs . Michael:… Kangkang:….4. 自读 1a, 并找出重点短语和句子,参照课后注解( P114 ) , 练习册P.63 自学。 1.He is our national hero. 2.All of you must be proud. 3.what’s more another two spaceships  4.That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 5.I think you can achieve your dream in the future.比一比,记一记,看谁记得快。Recite the following sentences quickly. 1.He is our national hero. 2.All of you must be proud. 3.That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 4.I think you can...

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