June 23, 20097 Ways Facebook will Change your LifeMy name is Paul Dunay and I have just finished co- authoring a book called Facebook Marketing for Dummies (Wiley) due out this summer. It was a very eye opening experience to say the least. But the one thing it taught me was a profound respect for the Facebook platform. What you are about to see is a number of ideas I have about the future of Facebook. These are not pie in the sky ideas or something I dreamed up – I feel these are very doable. In fact I wondered if I could get this eBook out fast enough to share these ideas with you before they actually happened!So sit back relax and enjoy what I think is a sneak peek into the future of social networking.About this eBookType the keyword VoIP into Google and you get 66 Million responses. 66 Million!!How archaic is that?Does Google have any idea how long it would take me to go through 66 Million responses? Someone can (and will) connect search to my social profile on Facebook thereby making a truly intelligent search engine that will know where I work, and who my friends are. So when I Google a term like VoIP – it will know I work for Avaya, it will access my work friends list and can present me with a way to filter the web based on my social profile – call it Social Search.Then you will be able to narrow down a search for VoIP in seconds based on the company I work for, or members of my marketing team, or other friends I have in my network and get a completely different view of the internet that I can’t get now.Life Changer #1 Search and FacebookI was searching on Amazon to check out the listing for my book Facebook Marketing for Dummies (Wiley) and t...