1. 我认为远足不如骑车有趣。I don’t think hiking is as interesting as cycling.2. Tom 对英语越来越感兴趣了。Tom is more and more interested in English.3. Lucy 比她的同班同学都要仔细,她是最仔细的。Lucy is more careful than any other student in her class.Lucy is more careful than (all) the other students……She is the most careful of all.4. 莫言是中国最著名的作家之一。Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers in China.5. 你吃得越多,你就会越胖。The more you eat, the fatter you will be.6. 我花在数学上的时间最少,所以数学是我最差的科目。I spend the least time on Maths, so Maths is my worst subject.7. 左边的花比右边的美。The flowers on the left are more beautiful than the ones on the right.8. 游泳没有冲浪危险。Swimming is not as dangerous as surfing.1. 科学家们认为猴子比狗聪明地多。Scientists think monkeys are much cleverer than dogs.2. 贫困地区的孩子不得不更努力地学习。The children in poor areas have to work harder.3. 学校生活就像看电视一样。School life is like watching TV.4. 我们教室的课桌比他们班的少。There are fewer desks in our class than in theirs.5. 我们一起去看场电影怎么样?(两种)Shall we go to see a film? Shall we go to the cinema?What / How about going to see a film?1. 当你感到无聊或不开心时,你会找谁?When you feel bored or unhappy, who will you go to?2. Mary 和我一样苗条。Mary is as slim as I am.3. 你愿意告诉我你未来的计划吗?Are you willing to tell me about your future plan?4. 跑步比看电视健康得多。Running is much healthier than watching TV. ( )1. Beijing is becoming and .A. more beautiful, more B. beautiful, beautifulC. more, more beautiful D. more beautiful, more beautiful( )2. The experiment( 实验 ) was easier than we had expected.( 期望 )A. more B. much more C. much D. more much( )3. June the eleventh was one of day...