Incredible wedding pictures show TORNADO form behind newlyweds [ 2014-07-09 15:51] 来源:中国日报网 字号[大][中][小]免费订阅 30 天 China Daily 双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信 CD 至 106580009009加拿大一对新婚夫妇在拍摄婚纱照时,忽然身后出现了龙卷风,摄影师将这一幕拍了下来,让这对新人体验了一把终生难忘的疯狂浪漫。照片前景是新人走在小路上,而在远处,则是骇人的自然现象。摄影师迫不及待地在网上分享了这些毕生难见的作品,照片很快被疯狂转发。A Canadian couple were posing for photographs on their wedding day Saturday when a tornado formed behind them, creating a set of once in a lifetime pictures to remember their big day with.Saskatchewan photographer Colleen Niska was shooting the newlyweds on a gravel road when the twister appeared in the dark skies.Niska, thrilled by her amazing luck, snapped away and later shared the incredible pictures on the internet, where they've since gone viral.The pictures show the couple walking along a flooded road in the foreground, with the severe weather safely in the distance.Niska commented 'I've dreamed about a day like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could NOT wait to post these! Pretty sure this will only happen once in my lifetime!' on the Facebook post early Sunday morning.Popular tornado chaser Reed Timmer shared the photos, leading other to follow.Not one but two tornadoes touched down in Saskatchewan Saturday, destroying a few buildings and dropping baseball-sized hail, however the weather didn't spoil the couple's celebrations.The unique wedding photos come less than a month after another bride and groom and their photographer Josh Newton saw a raging wildfire as an opportunity to create stunningly special memories.(来源:Daily Mail 编辑:丹妮)