话题 18: 自 然1. 植树 / 砍伐树木2. 违背自然规律3. 保护濒临灭绝的动物不被杀害4. 处于危险之中 5. 严惩捕猎者punish the hunters severelyplant trees; cut down treesgo against natureprotect the endangered animals from being killed(be) in danger of extinction/becoming extinct/ dying out6. 保持 / 破坏生态平衡 7. 创造良好的生态环境8. 和动物和谐相处9. 致力于保护野生动物10. 唤醒人们保护野生动植物的意识arouse people’s awareness of wildlife protectionkeep/break ecological balance; keep/damage the balance of naturecreate a pleasant ecological environmentlive in harmony with animalsdevote oneself to protecting wildlife11. 采取有效措施保护珍稀动物12.( 地震等 ) 袭击 ( 某地 ) 13. 被冲走14. 全部焚毁15. 让整个城市成为废墟leave the whole city in ruinstake effective measures to protect rare animals(earthquake, etc.) hit/strike (some place)be washed away bridgesburn to the ground16. 被困人员17. 困在废墟中18. 面对各种困难19. 克服困难20. 受灾地区 stricken district/areathe trapped peoplebe trapped in the ruins(be) faced with all kinds of difficultiesovercome difficulties21. 地震灾民22. 拯救受害人23. 呼吁人们捐赠24. 对……伸出援助之手25. 从灾难中恢复过来recover from the disasterthe earthquake victimsrescue victims/sufferercall on people to make donationshold out/give a helping hand to sb