
八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件八年级英语上册(Unit 5 Birdwatchers)Comic & Welcome课件 牛津译林版 课件
Unit 5 BirdwatchersComic strips &Welcome to the unitZhalong ( 扎龙 ) Nature Reserve go birdwatchingbirdwatchers1. go fishing by the lake 2. take some photos 3. wear new leather shoes4. protect the land5. kill wild birds for their feathers6. leave rubbish there7. donate money to wild birds in danger8. cut down all the trees and forests can can’t 12345678What can and can’t we do in Zhalong Nature Reserve?We can / can’t…seagulls white and grey or black feathersweb-footedlong-winged ?beakcolorful feathers parrotpawshooked123wings brownish feathersa hooked beakbroad wings golden eaglesmallsparrowbrown and grey feathersa long tailthe forked tailthe long-pointed wingIt always flies to northern countries in summerswallowswanwhite feathersa long thin neckListen to the description of the bird and guess what it is.red-crownedcranea red crownseagullparrotgolden eaglecolourful feathers, can learn to speak and singlong-winged, web-footed, white and grey or black feathersbrownish feathers, broad wings, a hooked beakred-crowned cranesparrowswallowswantall,longlegs/beak/neck,a red crownlong-pointed wings, a forked tail, flies to northern countries in summersmall, brown and grey feathers, a long tailwhite feathers, a long thin neckSuppose your old friend Hobo is calling you now. He is asking you something about your visit to Zhalong Nature Reserve. Try to make a dialogue with him about what you see here.Hobo: Hello, this is Hobo speaking. You: …Hobo: Where are you now?You: … Hobo: What…? You: …Hobo: Which bird do you like best?You: I ...Hobo: Why…? You: Because it’s…and it has …Which is your favourite bird?Hobo:I like…because … You: If …Let’s go birdwatching tomorrow!1.Does Eddie really like birdwatching? No, it doesn’t.2.Where does Eddie think is the best place to watch birds? At the market.3. Why does Eddie think so? Because it likes Beijing Duck and roast chicken at the market.1.Can we eat different kinds of wild birds at the restaurant in Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2.If not, what can we eat?3.Is it right or wrong for people to eat different kinds of wild birds? Why?the red-crowned cranethe golden eagleWe see a red-crowned crane and a golden eagle on our way to the exit. They are talking about themselves.They are talking about their unlucky experiences( 经历 ) outside the reserve before and the pleasant life in the reserve now. Try to make a dialogue to encourage people not to hunt wild birds.food, living areas, danger, people’s actions…1.Make bird reserves bigger.2.Build more nature reserves.3.Plant more trees and forests for wild birds to live in.4.Encourage people not to hunt birds.5.Don’t eat endangered( 濒危的 ) birds.6.Encourage our government( 政府 ) to make laws to punish bird hunters.ADV I C ELive together with wild birds in perfect harmony( 和谐 ).Write a short dairy about your visit to Zhalong Nature Reserve .

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