Family Livespocket moneyteenagerspendseldomMP3 playerdigitallatestdisturbresponsiblilitywholeuseful零用钱青少年花费很少MP3 播放器数码的最新的打扰责任整个的有用的racketexpect球拍盼望lastfamily treesaucepanbunchplayperformwashing machineremarkreceiveminimummaximum持续家谱锅一束戏剧表演 洗衣机评论收到最小的最大的affordthereforecharterelectricalcategoryreviseanytimeafter allmake itat the bottom of付得起因此章程电的类别复习在任何时间毕竟获得成功在 ... 的底部Vocabulary learning1. pocket money n. 零用钱 e.g. How do you manage your pocket money? Do you spend all of it on snacks?2. teenager n. 青少年 e.g.Parents always find it hard to communicate with their teenagers. Parents must send clear messages to their teenage children. 3. spend v. (spent, spent)e.g. You’d better not spend too much money on clothing or computer games. He spent hours watering his plants. 4. seldom adv. (not often) He seldom helps his parents with his housework. 5. latest adj. 最新的Did you listen to the news report for the latest news about the spread of swine flu?6. disturb v. 打扰Don’t disturb Mr. Smith. He is busy working with the project.7. responsibility n. 责任 (responsible adj.) The car driver should take full responsibilityresponsibility for the accident. e.g.The captain’s irresponsibility was the cause of the plane crash.He was responsibleresponsible for the sale of the newspapers. 8. whole adj. 整个的e.g.I spent the whole day weeding in the garden.On the wholeOn the whole, they lived a happy life. ( 总的来说)9. useful adj. (useless) 有用的 / 无用的e.g. She thought it useful for her kids to take extra classes.Their measures have been proved useless.( 他们的措施被证实是无用的。)10. expect v. 期望,预料,期待e.g. He never expected to see her again.What do people expect fro...