
七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件七年级英语7a unit 1 grammar 课件牛津 课件
GrammarFun with English (7A) Make a profile of yourself Hello. I ___ Millie. My cousin____13 years old. There ____ three people in my family.I ___ a happy girl.Millie and Simon are introducing themselves to each other. Complete their conversation .My name ___ Simon. I ___ 12 years old. My parents ____ from shanghai. I ___ football after school.My football team ___ the best in the world.amisareamisamareplayis Miss Tang is our maths teacher. Mr Wang is our Chinese teacher. They are our teachers now.Can you tell us things that are true now?My hair is long.She has long black hair.He wears glasses. We often do school activities after class.Kitty goes to a dance class twice a week .What do you often do after school?things that we do regularlySimon plays football after school. Cats eat fish.things that are always trueThe moon goes around the earth .There are seven days in a week .Can you tell us things that are always true? My hair is long.things that we do regularlySimon plays football after school.Cats eat fish.things that are always trueWe use the simple present tense when we talk about things that are true now, things that we do regularly and things that are always true. 1.Simple present tense of the verb to be am/is/are PositiveNegativeGeneral questions and answersIYou/We/They am happy.happy.He/She/It happy.areisnotnotnotAm I happy? Are you/we/they happy? Is he/she/it happy? Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, I am. No, I am not. Millie: It _____(be) a big school.Sandy: Yes. The classrooms _____(be) big too.Millie: Our teachers _____ (be) nice. Mr Wu ___ (be) a good teacher.Sandy: ____ _____(be/he) our Maths teacher?Millie: No, _____ _____...

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