Let’s sing a song.Brainstorm some words that describe neighbourhoods.百货商店 ________________ 服装店 _____________自行车商店 ______________ 杂货店 ____________书店 __________ 茶叶店 _____________咖啡店 ______________ 水果店 ____________音像制品店 _____________ 鞋店 _____________市场 ______________ 超市 ______________购物中心 _______________ 面包店 ___________department storeclothing shopbicycle shopgrocery storebookstoretea shopcoffee shopfruit shopvideo shopshoe shopmarketsupermarketshopping centrebakeryBrainstorm some words that describe neighbourhoods.网吧 ____________ 动物圆 ____________公园 ___________ 电影院 ______________公共汽车站 ____________ 博物馆 ____________图书馆 ___________ 茶房 ___________ 邮局 ____________ 旅馆 __________学校 ___________ 公司 ___________饭店 ___________ 体育馆 _________ 银行 ____________ 警察局 ______________派出所 _____________ 居委会 _________________________Internet barzooparkmovie theatrebus stopmuseumlibrarytea house post officehotelschoolcompanyrestaurantbankgympolice officepolice postneighbourhood committeeBrainstorm some words that describe neighbourhoods.公寓 ___________________ 房子 ____________邮筒 ___________ 广场 ______________游泳池 _______________ 湖 ____________海 ___________ 卫生间 ___________ 停车场 ____________ 路 __________街道 ___________ 人行道 ___________花 ___________ 草 _________ 树 ____________ 交通灯 ___________ 别墅 ___________ apartment buildinghousemail boxsquareswimming poollakesea/oceanwashroom parking lotroadstreetsidewalkflowertreegrasstraffic lightsvillaLanguage notes:1. No stopping! No parking! No smoking! No photos! No visitors!2. on one’s/the way to …on one’s way homeon one’s way to schoolon one’s way to the theatreon one’s way to watch a movie3. When you walk, you can see things better. You can see things better when...