
七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件七年级英语上册 Memory Challenge课件 人教新课标版 课件
Memory Challenge( 记忆挑战 )Group work ( 小组活动) Work in groups of 3 or 4, try your best to find out where the things are. And you can use these sentences. (3或 4 人为一组,用下面这些句型谈谈图中的物品在什么地方 )• Where is /are the…? It’s /They are on / in / under the… .• Is the… on / in / under the …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.• Are the… on / in / under the…? Yes, they are. /No, they’re not.Memory Challenge( 记忆挑战 )What can you see in the room?Tommy’s roomB 1aLook and learnvideo tapehatmath bookalarm clockTommy’s roomMatch the words with the things in picture.1.math book____ 2. alarm clock____ 3. CD___ 4. Computer game____5. video tape____ 6. hat_____bdaefcB 1aWhat can you remember in the room?Remember:1. Look at the picture for three minutes, now close your book and write down all the things you remember. 2 Pair work : Remember where they are.Student A ,ask questions. Student B,keep your book closed. eg.1.Where is the notebook? It’s on the bed. 2. Where are the …? They are … 3. Is the backpack on the floor? Yes , it is. 4. Are the pictures on the wall? Yes, they are.Guess what does Tommy need for his classWhat does Tommy need for his class?He needs…..for class.book pen pencil CDs rulernotebook video tape computer game math bookListen and circle the things Tommy wants from his room. 听录音,圈出汤米想要的房间里的东西。2a Listen again.Where are Tommy’s things?The math book is on the dresser.The ruler isThe notebook isThe CDs areThe video tape isunder the bed.on the bed.on the bookcase.on the table.Mom : Hello.Tommy: Hi, Mom. I need some things for class this afternoon. Can you bring them to school for me, please?Mom: Sure.Tommy: I need my math book… Mom: M...

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