Natural disastersReading IearthquakeA natural disasterFlood 洪水rainstorm 暴雨 natural disastersaccident 事故A natural disastertyphoona big firethunder and lightning 雷电 A natural disasterBrainstorm: The terrible earthquakeshake bomb frightenedin fear scream runearthquakedirectionwildlyEarthquakes are really big disasters!come downNatural disasters Do you know any earthquakes? on 12 May 2008 earthquakeearthquake21st September 19998700 buildings fell down 1700 people diedearthquakeearthquakesurvivorHe is a .survived the earthquake. HeTimmy earthquakeearthquakebe trappedHe is fearfall downscreamcalm downbe trappedrun in all directionsdaylightcome downwildlya slight shakingin a hurrytry one’s bestin fearscreama slight shakingfeltheardsawat the beginningthunderthundernoise and shoutsfall downcalm downbe trappedrun in all directionsdaylightcome downwildlyin a hurrytry one’s bestwildlycome downfall downtry one’s bestfeltheardsawduring …bombsbombsshakeshakerun in all directionsnervouscalm downbe trappeddaylightin a hurrydaylightcalm downin a hurrybe trappedfeltheardsawafter …noise and shoutsnothingnothingnervousnervous______1.2.He told himself to calm down.He shouted for help.He ate some of his chocolate.3.4.5. He screamed when he heard some noise above him.He tried to find his way out.What did Timmy do to save himself after he was trapped?Timmy is clever and brave.Is it enough for Timmy to get out? No! How did people help Timmy?People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. bravery +clevernessothers’ help=bright daylightOthers’ helpSandy’s diarythunderscreamedcome down calmed downtrapped●stopped being nervous or excited● fall ● kept in a place and could not leave● the loud noise following lightning● shouted loudlyHelp! Help! 526143Ways to save yourself1. run to the street2. run in all directions3. run wildly4. eat the chocolate little by little 5. scream when people come nearbyIf an earthquake happens now, what will If an earthquake happens now, what will you do?you do?hide ourselves under the deskhide ourselves under the desktry to stay in the corner of the roomtry to stay in the corner of the roomtry to stay in the open air but not stand try to stay in the open air but not stand beside treesbeside treesThank you!