2010.4.9 辽宁省某市发生抢劫杀人案• 蒙面人抢劫杀人后逃离现场……• 公安人员迅速展开调查并确定主要犯罪嫌疑人。他长什么样子?他长什么样子?eyeeyenosenoseearearmouthmouthfacefacehairhair• short hair• short hair• curly hair• curly hair• long hair• long hair• straight hair• straight haircurly hairstraight hairWhat does she look like?She has….She has long hair.He has short hair.long hairThey haveWhat do they look like?tall tall shortshortHe is short.He is tall.What does he/she look like?What does he/she look like?She is of medium height.He is tall.He is short.She is of medium height.She is thin.He is heavy.She is of medium build.shorttall—What does he look like?—He is… ofmedium height中等个子—What does he look like? shorttall——He is…of medium height中等个子heavythinmediumbuildofWhat does she look like?She is heavy/ fat.She is of medium build.She is thin.of medium heightof medium build中等个子中等身材A :What does Jack Chen look like?B: He has short hair. He is of medium build. He is of medium height.He is short and heavy, and he hasshort hair.What does he look like?short hairlong hairstraight haircurly hairblack hairtallshortthinheavymedium heightmedium buildhave, has +is, am, are+描述人的长相用动词 be 还是A :What does she look like? B: She has___hair.She is ________.tall, short, thin, heavy, of medium heightof medium build curly hairWhat does she look like?She is ____ and ____.She has ________.thintallWhat do you look like?I’m tall. I have short hair.What does he look like?He is of medium height. He has curly hair.1. short hair ___2. curly hair ___3. long hair ___4. straight hair ___5. tall ___cfaad6. short ___7. medium height ___8. thin ___9. heavy ___10. medium build ___hebgetallcurlyhair1a Listening1.2a2a2a2a Listen and cir...