Unit5 FilmsRevisionTeaching aims• 1.Revise Reading• 2.Revise Grammar• 3.Let the students learn what • achievement equals Oscar Oscar Best Best ActressActressTony Tony AwardsAwardshumanitarian put all her effort intoput all her effort into ballet trainingballet training Find outFind out some great workssome great works of of Audrey Hepburn’s!Audrey Hepburn’s!Great works mentioned in the text:Great works mentioned in the text:Monte Carlo BabyGigiRoman Holiday OndineBreakfast at Tiffany’s Funny FaceMy Fair LadyAlwaysGardens of the world with Audrey Hepburn Listen & find out some big events in Audrey Hepburn’s life and those events influenced her life greatly.A. She met Colette , a famous writerattract (vt.) attract (vt.) ---his attention---his attentionB. Audrey played the lead role in the play Gigi.• mark the beginning of her successful career.C. Audrey earned an Oscar for Best Actress.D. Audrey won a Tony Awardin the play named Ondine.Ondine.E. Audrey earned four more E. Audrey earned four more Oscar nominations..F. F. Always-Audrey Hepburn’s last Hepburn’s last appearance in films appearance in filmsplay the role of an angel G. Audrey’s final appearance on TV—Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn.protect the environment protect the environment H. the President of the United H. the President of the United States presented her with States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedomdevote herself devote herself to working to working closely with closely with UNICEF UNICEF humanitarianhumanitarianAudrey Hepburn is one of the most f_______ actresses. She is very p______ with the people all over the world. She d_____ in 1993 peacefully in her sleep. She was born in B______ on 4th May, 1929. Wh...