
七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件
《英语》(新标准)初中一年级上册Module 1 Nice to meet you说课稿 • 整个模块课时安排 (Arrangement of teaching in this module)• 教学目标 (Teaching aims)• 第一课时 (Period 1) 整个模块课时安排( Arrangement of teaching in this module) 教学目标 (Teaching aims)Language knowledgeLanguage skillsLearning strategiesCharacter buildingCross-cultural awareness Language knowledge•Function: Introduction•Grammar: Present simple be (affirmative, negative, general question) Personal and Possessive Pronoun — I / My, He / His, She / Her •Vocabulary: first, lesson, class, student, Miss,blackboard, open, close, match, write, read,listen,practice, eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-nine, fifty•Pronunciation: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ / Language skills • Listening: Students can understand others’ introduction by listening. • Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and ask others’ information about name, job, age and place. • Reading: Students can understand the similar essay of different people’s introduction.• Writing: Students can write their personal information and create a new one. 第一课时 (Period 1)• 教学内容分析• Step by step 教学设计 This is the first English lesson. Students should know how to introduce themselves. Teachers should start with the name, job, age, and hometown as a model. Then students practice using Activity 5: “ Work in pairs, ask and answer.” Or using: “ Learning to learn”. The purpose we use the interactive approach is to give a brief self-introduction concerning with these aspects. 教学内容分析 After speaking, we do listening for Activity 3, 4 & 1. We can use Activity 4 to check students’ understanding for dialogue 3. And we can also use the form to check them .NameAgeJobCityCountryMiss LiLingling Damin...

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