Do you think you will have your own robot?• fiction• ['fikʃən]• n. 小说• unpleasant• [ʌn'plezənt]• a. 使人不愉快的• scientist• ['saiəntist]• n. 科学家• in the future • 将来 factory['fæktəri] n. 工厂simple['simpəl] a. 简单的,简易的 hundreds of ['hʌndrədz əv] 几百 already[ɔ:l'redi] adv. 已经 made[meid] vt. 制造;做;使 (make)hundred['hʌndrəd]n. 一百 strategy['strætidʒi]n. 策略,战略• such• [sʌt ] ʃ• a. 这样的;如此的 • bored• [b :ɔ (r)d]• a. 无聊的;烦人的 • everywhere• ['evrihwεə]• adv. 到处 snake[sneik] n. 蛇 possible['pɑ:səbl] a. 可能的;合理的 huge[hju:dʒ] a. 巨大的,庞大shape[ʃeip]n. 形状,外形earthquake['ə:(r)θkweik] n. 地震 human['hju:mən] n. 人;人类 impossible[im'pɑ:səbl] a. 不可能的• housework• ['hauswə:(r)k]• n. 家务劳动• rating• ['reitiŋ]• n. 等级;级别electric[i'lektrik] a. 电的toothbrush['tu:θbrʌʃ] n. 牙刷seem[si:m] v. 似乎,好像Section 1 Before You ReadWhat does the robot look like?What can it do?It looks like really a man.It can do many hard work or dangerouswork.Section 1 Before You Read Read the title of the text. Thencircle the words and phrases youthink you will read in the passages.housework cars years agobored will waskoalas buildings less workswimming possible Americadoctor piano backpack Reading strategyLook at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about.This help you get ready to acquire new information.Section 1 Before You Read阅读策略: 阅读的时候,先通过看标题和图片 , 预计一下你要读到的内容。这能帮助你准备获得更多的信息。Section 2 While You Read In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are justlike humans. They help with the housework, anddo the most unpleasant jobs.科幻小说电影 他们能够帮助人们做家务和...