New ZealandPeter Jackson Oscar Best directorOscar Best FilmPre-readingPictures of New Zealand Part.4Part.4Natural BeautyPart.1Part.1Part.3Part.3Part.2Part.2ClimateGeographyHistoryFast readinglocationoff the eastern coast of Australiasize same size of PhillippinescapitalWellingtonimportant citiesAuckland, Christchurch,Queenstowngeographyoceans &seas the Pacific / north Tasman Sea/ southChristchurchAucklandWellingtonQueenstown345612ClimateMost placesNorth RainfallsWarmest months Coldest monthsA mild sea climateSubtropical December to FebruaryJune to AugustA lotListen to the tape and tick the things are mentioned. deep blue oceanparksrivers and bridgebuildingshot springs sand beacheshills and mountainsvolcanoesforestsanimals and plantscitiesfarmsseas__________________________cities___________________________ ___________________________sand beaches________________________hot springs_________________________animals___________________________ deep bluelie on a bay ,cleanin the North IslandKiwi (only in New Zealand)have a natural deep harbourEarliest settlers__________________Later settlers______________________National Day_____________________the MaoriEuropeans (British)6th.February1. People from the island of Polynesia came to New Zealand. 2. Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand.3. British people started to settle in New Zealand.4. Captain James Cook took possession of the islands.5. Chinese sailors discovered the islands.6. The Maori signed an agreement with the settlers.152436Arrange the following sentences according to the text.History 1000 years agoaround 1421in 1642in 1769by 1840Read and fill in the tableChinese sailors discovered the islands on one of their voyages.The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand.Captain James Cook t...