
七年级英语上:CHAPTER ONE Making friends Speaking & Writing课件(深圳牛津版) 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语上:CHAPTER ONE Making friends Speaking & Writing课件(深圳牛津版) 课件七年级英语上:CHAPTER ONE Making friends Speaking & Writing课件(深圳牛津版) 课件七年级英语上:CHAPTER ONE Making friends Speaking & Writing课件(深圳牛津版) 课件
Unit 1Unit 1Making friendsMaking friends SpeakinSpeakinggFalling toneFalling tone & & Rising toneRising tone Ask and answer to each other, paying attention to intonation. Question words:Question words: what, when, who, where, how, how old, how many, …1. What is Simon’s hobby? 2. What is Simon’s best subject at school?3. Where does Simon live now?4. Where is his parents’ restaurant?5.When did he write a letter to his penfriend Li Jie?6. How old is Simon?7. How old is his brother?8. How many students are there in Sun Fei’s class? 1. We make our voices fall at the end of wh – questions and their answers. 2. We make our voices rise at the end of general questions and when we want to express surprise, happiness and other feelings. -- What’s his name? -- What’s his name? -- David.-- David. -- His house has a garden. -- His house has a garden. -- A garden!-- A garden! -- Are you keen on playing chess? -- Are you keen on playing chess? -- Yes, I do. -- Yes, I do. Read the dialogue playing attention to the intonation.M: Where’s Alan?S: He’s out.M: Out! Where to?S: To see the doctor.M: The doctor!S: Yes, He had an accident this morning.M: An accident! Is he coming back soon? S: I don’t know. Exercise A2 Practise the conversation and then work in pairs to make a similar conversation. Give true answers about yourselvesA1 Practise saying these sentences. Make your voice go down ( ) or up ( )ExerciseTurn to page 9 and 10. Do the exercises. B Introduce your friend to the class. Use the facts about him or her. WritingWritingA letter to a friendA letter to a friend Aim of the writingAim of the writing学会写英文信的格式。学会写英文信的格式。学会根据列出写作的计划,并能有连贯性。学会根...

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