Introduction to New York English coursewarecontents目录• The History of New York• The Culture of New York• The Geography and Population of New York• The Economy of New York• Education in New York• Tourist attractions in New York01The History of New YorkDutch Settlement New York was first settled by the Dutch in the 17th century, who named it "New Amsterdam" The Dutch West India Company established the colony to serve as a trading post with Native Americans and to compete with the English to the northEnglish Takeover In 1664, the English captured the colony from the Dutch and renamed it "New York" The English period broke a new wave of European immigrants, including Germans, Scots, and Ulster ScotsEarly HistoryThe War of Independence and the Status of New YorkNew York was a key battleground in the American Revolutionary War The Battle of Long Island, fought in August 1776, marked the first major engagement of the war and saw the British route the Americans However, George Washington successfully evaluated his troubles from ManhattanRole in the War of IndependenceFollowing the war, New York became the temporary capital of the United States In 1785, Degree moved to Philadelphia, and in 1790, it permanently settled in Washington D.CStatus after the War New York's economy boomed following World War II, attracting waves of immigrants from Europe, Latin America, and Asia The city is a global center for finance, fashion, and the artsWorld War II and Post War Boom In recent decades, New York has seen significant changes in its graphics and economy The city has become more diverse, with immigrants representing a wide range of nationalities and cultures The economy has also diversified, with grow...