agreement主谓一致1. 谓语动词用单数的。measurement, distance, money, time, workseach (every,no ) boy and each (every , no ) girlmany a +neither of +nneither of +n Two hours is enough to do this work.Three years has passed.Many a ship has been damaged in the storm.Each boy and each girl wants to go there.2. 谓语动词用复数的。crowed, people, police, cattle, trousers, the + adj) He police are searching for the young man.The cattle are grazing on the meadow near the farm.3. 就近原则。either …or, neither….nor, not only…..but also there be +n , not ….butNeither you or I am a student.Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room.There is a desk,three chairs and some book in the room..4. 以 第一个主语决定谓语动词。 as well as, as much as, no less than, along with with, like, rather than, together with, but , exceptbesides, including, in addition to, no …but The teacher as well as the students is going to see it.The doctor, with his wife and children,is at home watching the football match on TV.5. 以词组 of 后的名词 决定谓语动词。the rest of, the half of, percent of, two thirds of.In this school,two fifths of the students are girls.Plenty of English books are on the desk.About three-fourths of the earth’s surface is water.6. 单复数都可以用的。more than one….( 单数 ) more + n than one..( 复数)More than one student has seen the film.More students than one are against your plan..this kind of men (单数)men of this kind ( 复数)one of the +n who…( 复数)the only one of the +n who..( 单数)Those who (复数)Everyone who (单数)The writer and the teacher (复数)The writer and teacher (单数).We each have… ( 复数)Each of us has….( 单数)The number of +n (单数)A number of +n…. ( 复数)Large...