Chapter 7 Family livesChapter 7 Family lives Language• 直接引语 : 当我们引用别人的话语时 , 若引用的是原话 , 被引用的部分叫直接引语 .• She said, ‘I like eating fish very much.’• Pansy asked, ‘When will we publish our newspaper?’Direct SpeechA Reporting what people sayIndirect Speech• 间接引语:当我们要引用别人的话语时,可以用自己的话把意思转述出来,这种转述别人说话的部分叫间接引语. She said, ‘I like eating fish very much.’She said she liked eating fish very much.A Reporting statements( 转述陈述句 )• 除了注意以上变化以外,陈述句的句型,语序没有变化,只是要在陈述句前加连词 that ,它常被省略,不在句中担任成分。直接引语转换成间接引语1标点符号的变化 2人称的变化.3时态的变化.4时间状语,地点状语和指示代词的变化.A Reporting statements( 转述陈述句 )我们常用以下动词来转述陈述句.•complain• explain• mention• whisper• report • 抱怨,投诉• 解释,说明• 提及,说起• 低声说,耳语• 报告• say• shout • add• reply• admit• 说• 呼喊• 补充说• 回答• 承认I go to the beach every Saturday.Mary says she goes to the beach every Saturday.直接引语改为间接引语时 , 时态的变化:如果主句的动词是现在时或将来时,间接引语中的时态不变.I broke a glass.•Tom explains (that) he broke a glass.I will call you tomorrow.He says he will call me the next day.时态的变化:如果主句动词的时态是过去时,间接引语中的时态要变成相应的过去时态.I like English very much.He said he liked English very much.We will have a test tomorrow.He said they would have a test the next day.I am having a lesson now.He said he was having a lesson then.I am going to go fishing next week.She said she was going to go fishing the next week.I can dance.He said he could dance.I have learned English for six years.She said she had learned English for six years.Your younger brother broke the window.She said my...