下载后可任意编辑幼儿园圣诞节活动策划方案与幼儿园圣诞节策划书 10篇汇编幼儿园圣诞节活动策划方案圣诞节快到了,是不是在为圣诞节活动策划方案苦恼呢?别着急,这里就有一份 "幼儿园圣诞节活动策划方案" ,肯定能帮到你!幼儿园圣诞节活动策划方案人物:Kids Mommy Daddy Teacher Santa Claus活动时间:30 分钟场景:幼儿园道具:布置好的圣诞树实物类:包装好的礼物盒、糖果、彩纸圣诞帽剪图及卡片类:圣诞图片等服装:圣诞老人服饰等歌曲和声音伴奏:圣诞歌曲形式:上课形式目的:通过游戏活动让每个小朋友感受圣诞的节日气氛。圣诞节 活动步骤1.通过图片讲圣诞故事小、中班:(Show the picture) Wow! This is a beautiful picture, What’s in the Picture? Let’s have a look. There is a Santa in the picture. (Point to the Santa Claus and lead them to read “Santa”.) Stocking is in front of the fireplace. (Point to the stocking and lead them to read it.) There are many gifts near the piano. (Point to the gifts and 第 1 页 共 24 页下载后可任意编辑lead them to read.) Wow, today is Christmas Day. Let’s say “Merry Christmas ” ! (Lead the kids to say.)大班:(Show the picture) Today is Christmas Day. Let’s say “Merry Christmas”! (Say twice or more.) On Christmas Day, we’ll give gifts to your friends. (Do the TPR.) We’ll hang up our stockings on the wall or in front of the fireplace (Do the TPR.) and the Santa Claus will put gifts in the stockings.Ask some questions:(1) What will we say on Christmas Day? (Merry Christmas.)(2) Who will put gifts in the stockings? (the Santa Claus)(3) What will we hang up on the wall? (Stockings)2.设计游戏活动:(1)游戏名称:传递游戏 (Passing Game - 1)游戏人数:人数不限准备物品:圣诞节词汇图卡或实物,圣诞音乐游戏方式:(1)小朋友围坐成一个圆圈。(2)老师拨放 Christmas songs, 并传图卡给小朋友。(3)当音乐停止时,拿图卡的小朋友就要站起来,大声说出它的名字。(2)游戏名称:大风吹 (The Wind Blows) (需幼儿...