1. When two Chinese meet each 1. When two Chinese meet each other for the first time, what do other for the first time, what do they do to greet each other?they do to greet each other?Two questions :Two questions :2. Have you ever seen people 2. Have you ever seen people greet each other differently?greet each other differently?handshakehugbowSkimmingSkimming 1 The visitors are very interested in the 1 The visitors are very interested in the development of business in China.development of business in China.2 The visitors are from Europe, North America, 2 The visitors are from Europe, North America, South America and Africa.South America and Africa.3 When Mr. Garcia and Ms Smith were 3 When Mr. Garcia and Ms Smith were introduced to each other, they shook hands.introduced to each other, they shook hands.4 English people usually stand very close to 4 English people usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.5 Ahmed Aziz is a businessman from Iraq.5 Ahmed Aziz is a businessman from Iraq.True or FalseTrue or FalseTTFFFFFFFFPeoples in different Peoples in different countriescountriesFeaturesFeaturesBritainBritainSpain, Italy or South Spain, Italy or South American countriesAmerican countriesJapanJapanFrenchFrenchthe Middle East and the Middle East and Muslin countriesMuslin countriesMost people around Most people around the worldthe worldRead the passage carefully, try to find the Read the passage carefully, try to find the information and fill in the form below.information and fill in the form below.Don’t stand very close to others oDon’t stand very close to others or strangersr strangersApproach others closely and are Approach...