
七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件 外研版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件  外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件  外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件  外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件  外研版 课件七年级英语上册 Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson说课稿课件  外研版 课件
《英语》(新标准)初中一年级上册Module 1 Nice to meet you说课稿  整个模块课时安排 (Arrangement of teaching in this module) 教学目标 (Teaching aims) 第一课时 (Period 1) 整个模块课时安排( Arrangement of teaching in this module) 教学目标 (Teaching aims)Language knowledgeLanguage skillsLearning strategiesCharacter buildingCross-cultural awareness Language knowledgeFunction: IntroductionGrammar: Present simple be (affirmative, negative, general question) Personal and Possessive Pronoun — I / My, He / His, She / Her Vocabulary: first, lesson, class, student, Miss,blackboard, open, close, match, write, read,listen,practice, eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-nine, fiftyPronunciation: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ / Language skills  Listening: Students can understand others’ introduction by listening.  Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and ask others’ information about name, job, age and place.  Reading: Students can understand the similar essay of different people’s introduction. Writing: Students can write their personal information and create a new one. 第一课时 (Period 1) 教学内容分析 Step by step 教学设计 This is the first English lesson. Students should know how to introduce themselves. Teachers should start with the name, job, age, and hometown as a model. Then students practice using Activity 5: “ Work in pairs, ask and answer.” Or using: “ Learning to learn”. The purpose we use the interactive approach is to give a brief self-introduction concerning with these aspects. 教学内容分析 After speaking, we do listening for Activity 3, 4 & 1. We can use Activity 4 to check students’ understanding for dialogue 3. And we can also use the form to check them .NameAgeJobCityCountryMiss LiLingling Damin...

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