
七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson 45课件 冀教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson 45课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson 45课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson 45课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson 45课件 冀教版 课件
New wordsThink about it textLet’s do itWarming up• sweater n. 毛线衣• shake v. 摇动• nervous adj. 紧张的• funny adj. 滑稽的;好笑的• anyone pron. 任何一个• guess v. 猜• lantern n. 灯笼• during prep. 在……期间• hang v. 吊;悬挂• What do you like about Spring Festival?• How much money do you usually get in your red envelope?• What does Li Ming give to Jenny?•It is Li Ming’s turn to speak. He is wearing a sweater, but his hands are shaking. He is nervous. Danny thinks this is funny.•D: Hey, Li Ming! Are you cold? Do you need some mittens?L: Umm … ah…•J: Danny!•D: Sorry!•MW : It’ OK,LI ming.•( Li Ming holds a small red envelope in his hand)•L: Can anyone guess what this is?•D: Is it a letter?•L: No. it is not.•J: Is it a Christmas card?•L: No, but that’s a good guess! It’s a “ hong bao.” Every year on Spring Festival, my parents give me a red envelope. It has money in it! On the first day of Spring Festival, I say “Happy New Year” and “Give me my red envelope!”•D: I like Spring Festival!•( Li Ming holds something else in his hand)•L: This is a Chinese lantern. During Spring Festival, we hang lanterns. This one is for you, Jenny.•J: Thanks, Li Ming.•L: You can hang it on your Christmas tree.• Write a short story about your favorite Spring Festival. When was it? Why did you like it? What happened? Share your story with a partner, then read it to your classmates.•How much money do you usually get in your red envelope? 通常你的红包里会收到多少钱?•get v. 获得;得到;弄来,取来(过去式:got )。例如:•Get the students a good teacher. 给学生们找一个好老师。•I got a letter this morning. 今天早上我收到一封信。•Get me a ticket, please. 请给我弄张票。•I...

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